Research on Huck Magazine and Woman's Realm.

Women Realm. 
Woman's Realm was a British weekly women's magazine first published in 1958. One of the editors-in-chief was Joyce Wards. In 2001 it was merged with Woman's Weekly. The Belle & Sebastian song "Women's Realm" makes reference to this magazine

The woman's realm shut because it had only 155,000 sales which wasn't sufficient enough to carry on the magazine as the sales dropped from before. 

Woman's realm magazine sales dropped because it lost touch to modern women it wasn't applicable to modern women and people lost interest.
Huck Magazine. 
  • Huck Magazine was created in 2006 
  • Huck magazine celebrates independence
  • Huck magazine features cutting-edge photographers, video artists or bloggers
  • Huck is a bi-monthly magazine, website and online video channel.
  • Huck's reporters break stories before anyone else, offering a global map of youth-fuelled social change – from emerging subcultures that challenge conventions to investigative journalism that defies dominant narratives.
  • It won awards such as; the society of publication designers (2014), Amnesty International Media awards (2012), D&AD awards (2010) and many more... 

Difference between the magazines:
Huck is a magazine but it could be also accessed online on their website or youtube channel unlike woman's realm. 
Huck represents independence whereas woman's realm mentions women old stereotypical values. 

Women's monthly magazines are more aspirational than weekly magazines means. 

This is proven because aspirational means to achieve social prestige and material success and this is achieved by being released monthly as it shows the monthly magazine is prestige as it is worth the wait for the magazine unlike weekly magazines where you can grab them every week showing they arent ver special / aspirational.

Rise of consumerism:
As wartime difficult conditions gave a gab in the market to a new era of women magazines were seen to enter a new phase.

1960s Sexual Revolution:
The 60s were seen by many to employ a new era of female liberation, it included things such as the introducing of the contraceptive pill and the the married property act of 1964 which allowed women to achieve a higher degree of financial independence.

1960’s Cultural Revolution
This saw the emergence of the new trends in music, fashion and films. Britain was very much at the centre of this cultural revolution


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