Hypodermic Needle Theory: The idea that the mass media injects thought, values, beliefs into the audience which will result in them changing their opinions. Suggesting that the media is powerful and controlling. Targeted at a passive audience Hypodermic Needle theory examples, posters from WW1 portraying the Germans as evil people. This theory can create wars, increase sales etc Criticism of the Hypodermic needle theory - is that the audience are passively just sitting there being injected with this information. Cultivation Theory: Cultivation theory examines the long-term effects of television. "The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality aligns with reality portrayed on television." It was developed by George Gerber in 1976. An example of this is when you think an Iphone is great then the television starts saying that as well, it...