Overview of the industry.

Overview of the industry:

Source 1:
  • Fashion and women's issues came about in the early 20th century it was inspired by the famous mega-publisher William Randolph and the era was called female-targeted vogue and vanity.
  • The 30s brought about aspirational magazines like Esquire and Fortune.
  • Widely popular, tropical publications directed at niche audiences rolled out in the 40s and 50s including sports illustrated and rolling stone.
  • The 60s and 70s gave us the celebrity and entertainment focused magazines.
  • Magazines diversified with the face in 1980.
  • In the late 1990 digital magazines were introduced where you could access magazines on like a mobile device.
  •  The introduction of the internet had a negative impact on magazines as subscriptions decreased.  
  • In 2013 and 2014 many new titles we introduced to the magazine industry every year more and more magazines are being introduced and the magazine industry ids just increasing
Source 2:

  • Three quarters of adults in Great Britain consume a magazine brand
  • 57% of Great Britain read a print magazine.
  • 40% of Great Britain consume a magazine brand via the PC or mobile device.
  • 72% of Great Britain which is 37.7 million people consume magazine brands
Source 3:

  • The magazine industry is a very competitive industry and is constantly under attack
  • The magazine industry has said to value £3.55 billion in 2012
  • Consumers spend £1.8 billion on magazines at retail or via subscriptions.
  • Print magazine advertising totals a futher £750 million.
  • Content marketing agencies contribute a furhter £1 billion.
  • There are in excess of 2,400 consumer magazines.
Magazine industry - key terms: 
Excess - an amount of something that is more than necessary
Consumer - a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.Heyday - the period of a person's or thing's greatest success,
Brand industry - How that business wants to be provided by consumers

The role of Women: 

  • Women began campaigning for improved rights (1960s) 
  • They wanted to address the issues of equal pay as well as very narrow representation in media texts e.g advertising.  
  • As women had more money to spend advertisers and magazine publications because more likely to target them . This gave rise to new titles such as celebrity magazines.
Magazine KeyTerms:

Magazine conventions:

Task 5:

From the word “a-level beauty” we can infer that the magazine is referring to the highest level of beauty. We can connote from a-level beauty that it has to be taught and not just picked up because a-level is a high level course taught at 6th form / college which is higher than GCSE.

The subtitle of “British woman have a special magic” represents the signed act of the 1964 civil rights movement as it is trying to get the point across that woman are as equal as men and deserve the same rights as them.
Also the line “seven star improvements for your kitchen” represents the time as how woman where seen as the ones always in the kitchen and it was a woman’s job and not a mans.
Lastly the line “lingers goes lively” represents how woman where known for there good looks more than anything.

Analysis Questions:

1. When was the first womens’ magazine formed and what was it called? 
1693 called the ladies' mercury

2. Does the author enjoy the photographs in Vogue or not? Find a quote to support your position. 
The writer like the magazine 'Vogue' because she likes to look at the "meticulously styled photographs

3. Would you describe the tone of this article to be for or against womens’ magazines? Explain your answer. 
No as it states that: ''that these magazines may be shifting to women''

4. What are the main issues the Author has with womens’ magazines?
The main issues the author has with women's magazines are that "if we live in the shadow of an arbitrary standard of beauty that many women cannot comply to. This manifests in the form of an increased competition and, in some cases, unhealthy habits". Therefore these magazines create competition and a standard that "everyone" must follow.

5. What do you think the author means by the following quotes?
This incessant focus on materialism is often funnelled toward female clientele.
That materialism is often obtained by woman more than men  
magazines …  pitch the intangible: the promise of happiness. 
That magazines are very enjoyable and they bring happiness 
Much of society runs on conspicuous consumption.
Society runs on wealth 
women are objectified and taught to self-objectify. 
Woman where seen as objects and used for their beauty 


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