Liesbet van Zoonen:
When you are born you are given a sex, but as you grow older you earn your gender through language and it is not fixed and ideas about gender change constantly due to many factors like culture.
Also women bodies are objectified and in the media their body and appearance is made to stand out.
Ideology relating to gender is not fixed. It reflects the time period, society and culture.
These ideas and beliefs are communicated through language.
She argues women are often objectified where representation emphasises body and appearance.
The key ideas of feminism are to end all ideas of gender, feminism shouldn't be a lifestyle there is a purpose its more than just your trend. The discrimination a middle class woman will face is different to a lower class woman it changes due to there nature.
The aim of Feminism is to end patriarchy; it is political rather than a way of life. Consequently, it is not about the way you live in terms of taste and style
Feminism is not meant to be a trendy or fashionable instead it has a real purpose.
Factors like races and class means that discrimination is not experienced same.

van Zoonen helps us understand the representation of Jessica Ennis as it states: "Ideology relating to gender is not fixed. It reflects the time period, society and culture." And we can see that she is reflecting the olympic period as we constantly see her dressed in gold representing a gold medal and we see her in blue and red which represent England's flag colours. It also states that: "women are often objectified where representation emphasises body and appearance". This is also shown as in every picture of Ennis in the magazine her full body is included and her hair and makeup are also done to make her appearance more appealing.
Hooks helps us understand the representation of Jessica Ennis as it states: "feminism is not meant to be a trendy or fashionable instead it has a real purpose". The podium magazine represents the opposite as we see Jessica Ennis used to represent the olympics which only come around every 4 years which may suggest that feminism is a trend to them."


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