Challenge Task:
Compare and contrast the Tide advert with one of the following adverts.

Discuss the different functions of advertising in 1940s compared to 1950s.
Relate it to your understanding of the social and economic context at the time. [The points from Miss Represented will help]

The functions of the tide advert is to persuade women when they are doing there cleaning that they she buy the product tide to help clean as their soap instead of any other soap. which refers to in the 1940s women were portrayed in the media as inferior to men and were made to stay at home and clean. In 1940s advertisement they embraced women cleaning and it is shown also in aide when it states: "No wonder you women buy more tide" which suggests that tide is only made for women as they will be the only ones cleaning. In contrast to this in the 1950s women where being embraced and  persuaded to leave home and help out in the war.

1940s media was used as propaganda. Both adverts encourage woman to work ante apart of the community. Functions of the 1950s implies woman should leave the home and work embracing their skills. Domestics products were aimed at woman to be a better house wife.


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