Postmodernism questions

Post-modernism can be described as a style and a concept in the arts characterised by a distrust of theories and ideologies and by the drawing of attention to conventions. 

1. What is a hybrid media text?
Mixing of existing genres with each other e.g. sci-fi and comedy.

2. What is meant by Bricolage?
 The emergence of different aspects to create a finished product. 

3. What is meant by simulation?
CGI, mimicking reality, embedding itself with live action fantasy. 

4. What is a disjointed narrative structure?
Narrative of the story doesn't follow the normal structured pattern for example starting at the end and working your way backwards. 

5. Explain in your own words what the ‘blurring of the boundaries’ means?
 Taking/ sampling something but putting your own twist on it for example Tom and Jerry without the chase. 

6. What is the difference between pastiche and parody?
 Parody is a reference for comedic affect or ridicule, pastiche uses elements of genres and conventions for flattery rather than mockery.


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