Surrealism and Soviet Montage.

  • What are the key elements of surrealism?
combination of unassociated objects 
reveal the unconscious mind 
  • In what ways is sexuality a key part of surrealism?
sex - Freud believed sex was the key motif of things 
  • What is a montage (soviet)?
 'montage' is loosely used to mean any sequence which combines images in a way that doesn't depict continuous action.
Soviet montage theory is an approach to understanding and creating cinema that relies heavily upon editing
  • What is the purpose of a montage?
creating tension by shorting up the pieces this can be achieved by using the different methods as seen below: Rhythmic montage' - where shot durations become flexible and take account of movement within the frame. 'Tonal' montage - where the emotional content of the images are also taken into account. 'Overtone montage' - combines all of these kinds of montage techniques. 'Metric montage' - in which the duration of each shot was worked out according to strict mathematical ratios. 'Vertical montage' - refers to how different aspects of the content of images work in combination with the soundtrack

  • What role does sequencing and juxtaposition play in montage?
The sequencing of altering shots create tension
The juxtaposition is used to successfully create rhythm 
  • What is intellectual montage?
Refers to the introduction of ideas into a highly charged and emotionalized sequence.

  • Exploring Surrealism with Peter Capaldi

A lot of surrealist art is about sex
Love, poetry and liberty

  • Eisensteins Methods of Montage Explained Russian Montage
Rhythmic montage' - where shot durations become flexible and take account of movement within the frame. 'Tonal' montage - where the emotional content of the images are also taken into account. 'Overtone montage' - combines all of these kinds of montage techniques. 'Metric montage' - in which the duration of each shot was worked out according to strict mathematical ratios. 'Vertical montage' - refers to how different aspects of the content of images work in combination with the soundtrack
  • Montage (Document) 

  • critical2009-TomBarrance

The rules of continuity
1-180 degree angle and camera stays on one side of main  axis of action
2-Looking space - if character looking at something they need space in the direction they re looking at
3- Action looks smooth and continuous


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