
Showing posts from October, 2017

Magazine Key Terminology.

Key Term Meaning Superlative An adjective or adverb expressing the highest degree of quality. House Style The expression house style refers to the specific usage and editing conventions followed by writers and editors to ensure stylistic consistency in a particular publication or series of publications (newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, books). Pull Quote a brief, attention-catching quotation taken from the main text of an article and used as a subheading or graphic feature. USP A unique selling proposition (USP, also seen as unique selling point) is a factor that differentiates a product from its competitors, such as the lowest cost, the highest quality or the first-ever product of its kind. Anchorage text Writing that fixes the meaning of an image. Mode of address The ways in which a magazine builds a relationship with and speaks to its a
Judith Butler's Theory On gender Performanity: Gender is the repeated stylisation of the body a set of repeated acts with a highly rigid regulatory frame that congeal overtime to produce the appearance of substance. Butler argues that gender roles are constructed by society and that masculinity and femininity are not inherent. Gender is the cultural meaning we attach to our biological sex. which isn't alway true as there is evidence of girls like sports and boys liking make up, it is just that culture coerces you to conduct that gender performance. According to Butler gender is performative, we are not just acting it like a performance, but rather actively constructing it as we act it out. Gender reality is performative which means, quite simply that it is real only to the extent that it is performed. if we refuse to perform our gender script, gender will cease to exist.    
Liesbet van Zoonen: When you are born you are given a sex, but as you grow older you earn your gender through language and it is not fixed and ideas about gender change constantly due to many factors like culture. Also women bodies are objectified and in the media their body and appearance is made to stand out. Ideology relating to gender is not fixed. It reflects the time period, society and culture. These ideas and beliefs are communicated through language. She argues women are often objectified where representation emphasises body and appearance. Hooks: The key ideas of feminism are to end all ideas of gender, feminism shouldn't be a lifestyle there is a purpose its more than just your trend. The discrimination a middle class woman will face is different to a lower class woman it changes due to there nature. The aim of Feminism is to end patriarchy; it is political rather than a way of life. Consequently, it is not about the way you live in terms of taste and style Femi
W WW: He successfully analysed the photo spotting different actions and analysed the effect of them correctly. EBI: Be consistent with your denotations and your connotations.  W WW:  Identified key techniques of the still   EBI: include denotations

Structuralism Summary.

Structuralism Summary. Structuralists analyse the the structures that underline all cultural phenomena and not just literature. Structuralists got the notion that everything can be analysed in terms of deep structure they define language super broadly language for structuralists can be any form of signalling. Principles: 1st is based on real and idea and how they work together we see the real visually in life and we imagine the idea in our head. 2nd is based on local or positional where we can have the actual position of an object and then we can have the imagined position like when playing a game of chess. Structure of interrelated positions. Roles and interpretations constantly change, created by different possible scenarios like pieces on a chess board. 3rd is the idea of difference and reality and how in life we have differences which help to structure two objects; a difference includes these 3 rules a pattern a discrepancy and a border. 4th is about being real but

Women in sport research

Women in sport research: Key Features: All feminist theory start from the perspective that gender identity is significant.  Society is based ‘patriarchy’, which facilitates male dominance. This domination is based on ideological and coercive forms of social control The aim is to highlight social injustice against women, and to try to challenge and change this. What is Patriarchy? A social system in which men dominate. Women are systematically disadvantage. Three different waves of feminism: First wave feminism was a late-19th century phenomenon that brought some changes, most noticeably women's suffrage. Coming about in the 1960's, Second wave feminism was also part of a widespread social change movement that included of course, civil rights and gay rights activism as well. Third Wave feminism was part evolution of and part reaction to Second Wave Feminism. Third-Wavers are anti-essentialist, and acknowledge the worlds of difference between women in different