
Showing posts from November, 2017
The use of the close up in Oxfam is very effective as it helps portray the representation of struggling. The shot includes a young boy and his facial expression helps portray the representation of struggling as wee see him looking up into the sky and nearly crying which shows he is pleading and begging also wee see his body which represents struggling as he is seen to be very malnourished with no flesh or muscle which shows he hasn't been eating and he is struggling for food. The use of the mid shot in band aid is very effective as it helps portray the representation of struggling. The shot includes a woman winding up water she collected from a water well and we see her as malnourished showing she also struggles for food making the winding even harder for her which helps portray struggling and we also see her fail expression to be very strong showing struggle again.  The use of the imperative in "Do they know its christmas" is very effective as it helps portray the repre

Research on Huck Magazine and Woman's Realm.

Women Realm.  Woman's Realm was a British weekly women's magazine first published in 1958. One of the editors-in-chief was Joyce Wards. In 2001 it was merged with Woman's Weekly. The Belle & Sebastian song "Women's Realm" makes reference to this magazine The woman's realm shut because it had only 155,000 sales which wasn't sufficient enough to carry on the magazine as the sales dropped from before.  Woman's realm magazine sales dropped because it lost touch to modern women it wasn't applicable to modern women and people lost interest. Huck Magazine.  Huck Magazine was created in 2006  Huck magazine celebrates independence Huck magazine features cutting-edge photographers, video artists or bloggers Huck is a bi-monthly magazine, website and online video channel. Huck's reporters break stories before anyone else, offering a global map of youth-fuelled social change – from emerging subcultures that challenge conventions

Woman's Realm

Women Realm.  Woman's Realm was a British weekly women's magazine first published in 1958. One of the editors-in-chief was Joyce Wards. In 2001 it was merged with Woman's Weekly. The Belle & Sebastian song "Women's Realm" makes reference to this magazine The woman's realm shut because it had only 155,000 sales which wasn't sufficient enough to carry on the magazine as the sales dropped from before.  Woman's realm magazine sales dropped because it lost touch to modern women it wasn't applicable to modern women and people lost interest.
Applying Theory.
Challenge Task: Compare and contrast the Tide advert with one of the following adverts. Discuss the different functions of advertising in 1940s compared to 1950s. Relate it to your understanding of the social and economic context at the time. [The points from Miss Represented will help] The functions of the tide advert is to persuade women when they are doing there cleaning that they she buy the product tide to help clean as their soap instead of any other soap. which refers to in the 1940s women were portrayed in the media as inferior to men and were made to stay at home and clean. In 1940s advertisement they embraced women cleaning and it is shown also in aide when it states: "No wonder you women buy more tide" which suggests that tide is only made for women as they will be the only ones cleaning. In contrast to this in the 1950s women where being embraced and  persuaded to leave home and help out in the war. 1940s media was used as propaganda. Both adverts enc


Giddens: The self is not something we are born with and it is not fixed. Instead the self is reflexively made-thoughtfully constructed by individual. we all choose a lifestyle. Gauntlet - 'collective identity' - satisfaction in belonging to a group e.g if all your friends watch POWER you may start watching  it to feel involved and to have an idea of what is going on. Web 2.0 - Gauntlet:  Any user can contribute and produce media, previously large corporations/media produces told audiences what they could watch and when, this is possible as media is now more accessible, cheaper and easier to use. People have a route to self-expression and a stronger sense of self and participation in the world, through making and exchanging online. Media can be places of conversation, exchange and transformation. The need for better 'platforms of creativity'

Women documentary

How are women portrayed in the media? Are there differences between the different media  platforms? Make reference to the following media platforms TV (news and reality TV) and film Women in the media are portrayed as objects and inferior to men. The media set out a way that woman should dress and look from a very young age affecting many different females. In television women are portrayed very sexually in different platforms like even on the news where they should dress formally they are still shown to be dress very sexually the same as on reality tv.  How are men represented in the media? They are represented as powerful with status and much more relevant than woman as there are made to be the providers for women and almost like a hero which is constantly shown in anime movies which gives very young females the idea that men are bigger than them. What role did the media play after WW2? The media tried to inspire women to get equal rights as men. 

Representation Questions

Nikki Minaj is being represented. She is being sexually represented due to her use of costume being unzipped revealing cleavage. It is the genre of beauty magazine. The audience accepts this image due to the history of beauty magazines that are more revealing. The foreground areas are the parts in yellow like her hair and skin and some text the background areas are the parts in black which blend in with the background of the magazine. It is made majority for men or a lesbian as they are the only ones would want to see “Minaj Unzipped”. The representation doesn’t mean much to me as I don’t have an Interest I. “Minaj unzipped” and im not looking at any of the beauty tips in the magazine.