
Showing posts from July, 2018

Riptide – Representations of Gender.

Are these representations sexualised for audience pleasure and do the support The Male Gaze? We see sexualised representations evident in riptide when we are shown a mid shot of a woman slowly undressing from a bikini facing away from us so all we see is her body and the use of the bikini helps outline the  woman body and figure which would appeal to a heterosexual male due to her being represented quite sexually. The male gaze refers to how woman are portrayed in a sexual way in media to attract the male audience n by the woman being almost naked this will help attract heterosexual males.  Do they challenge the sexualisation of women in the music industry? Riptide do not challenge the sexualisation of women they conform to the typical sexual representation of women by including the a mid shot of a woman undressing which appeals to the theory of  bell hooks and the struggle of  femininity as this disregards the theory and sort of supports it as the woman is represented sexua

Applying Goodwin’s theory to Riptide

Applying Goodwin’s theory Intertextuality: There is reference to several other media texts. One of the most clear is the Low angle balcony shot off the woman standing looking into the distance with binoculars this is intertextual reference to the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet  Genre characteristics: There are certain connections to a horror film in the shots of the women being dragged away, this is not necessarily linked to the genre of the song. The genre tends to include common things like including a quite adventurous theme and having and outside setting with natural lighting and they tend to have montages included in them which is evident in Riptide and similar indie folk music videos like the luminers  Lyrics and visual: Throughout the video the shots match up in a literal way to the lyrics. For example when the lyrics state: "Running down to the Riptide" the shot shows us a woman on the run in the montage and then shows us a shot of waves referrin

Montage in Riptide


Riptide - Narrative Codes and Conventions

1.       Are there any elements of coherence in the narrative? (Potential theories/ideas to use: Todorov and Postmodernism)  The music video shows no coherence in the narrative and doesn't relate to Todorov's theory due there being no clear narative and things like the setting is left a mystery and scenes have no sort of relation at all which relates to having a disjointed narrative the idea of thing being left in simulation (make belief)  2.       What ‘message’ does the video contains? Refer to Barthes in your notes. The video contains the message of the pressure of women suffering from relationships or society as the left hand man lyric are presented with male hands doing aggressive moments like cutting and pulling and when we are shown the woman hand during the same lyric we are presented with her self harming herself which is a metaphor of self abuse due to rebellion and prolonged pressure. She is showing aggression like the males, but in a different way as she sh

Is Riptide Postmodern?

Is Riptide Postmodern? The use of the smeared makeup on the actor who is performing the song riptide in some clips helps exaggerate postmodernism as it makes the music video a parody of jazz music which tends to have that sort of microphone and we know jazz to have been through struggle, we are majorly used to seeing the performer in their best form looking their best while performing, however the smeared makeup gives off a comic effect to the audience leaving them confused and unsure of what has gone on with the actors face.  The use of the scene of them shooting a music video helps exaggerate postmodernism as it refers to self reflexivity this is shown as it is unusual to have a music video being shot inside a music video and the whip pan of the woman and the man and her turning round helps gives of the effect of wherever she is everyone is watching and we know there is some sort of production being shot as at the beginning of the whip pan we actually see the camera present in o

Surrealism and Soviet Montage.

What are the key elements of surrealism? combination of unassociated objects  reveal the unconscious mind  In what ways is sexuality a key part of surrealism? sex - Freud believed sex was the key motif of things  What is a montage (soviet)?  'montage' is loosely used to mean any sequence which combines images in a way that doesn't depict continuous action. Soviet  montage  theory is an approach to understanding and creating cinema that relies heavily upon editing What is the purpose of a montage? creating tension by shorting up the pieces this can be achieved by using the different methods as seen below:  Rhythmic montage' - where shot durations become flexible and take account of movement within the frame. 'Tonal' montage - where the emotional content of the images are also taken into account. 'Overtone montage' - combines all of these kinds of montage techniques. 'Metric montage' - in which the duration of each shot was w